Efforts to stabilize the tax law stall

in #money6 years ago

“Tax Reform 2.0” passed the U.S. House last week. The bill would make permanent the individual tax breaks in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. All cuts expire in 2025, including the 20% deduction for small businesses. The bill now moves to the Senate. The problem is Senate Republican leaders don’t believe they have the votes to get it passed. Think about that. Opposition forces in the Senate—read, “Democrats”—do not want tax breaks that benefit American families to become permanent. Never mind the facts that the law spurred businesses to hire more workers, pay them more money, and make substantial investments in the U.S. And never mind that the spendable income of most American’s is rising. Rather, Democrats cling to reports saying that less that 40% of voters support the Jobs Act because people continue to believe the law benefits only corporations and the rich. That people believe this non-sense, even in the face of the overwhelming empirical evidence to the contrary, is a testament to the power and reach of Leftists who relentlessly beat the “tax cuts for the rich” drum. It is clear that Democrats don’t want you to keep your own money. Stop voting for Democrats.