Democrats, sensing victory in the mid-term elections, want to raise taxes by a $1 trillion. They plan to eliminate the benefits of the Jobs Act, including re-imposing the Alternative Minimum Tax on regular taxpayers, raising personal and corporate tax rates, and increasing the death tax to pre-Jobs Act levels. Let’s look at what’s really at the heart of Leftist tax policy. Apart from the fact that tax burdens bog the economy and limit growth, taxes take money out of the pockets of American families. Every dollar you pay in taxes means you have one less dollar to educate your children, retire debt, pay medical expenses, build a business, or save for retirement. In a word: taxes make you poorer. Every dollar you pay in taxes takes you one dollar closer to dependence on government. That’s what Leftists want. They don’t want you to have the power to decide what’s best for your family. As long as they can strip you of resources, they can take away your power to control your own life. This is what the tax fight is ultimately all about. Tax cuts empower families to make their own choices. That’s one reason the Left hates tax cuts.