From iTunes
I am the owner and managing editor of a micro indie press. I publish works that I love. I don’t do it for profit, which is good because there never is one. The sales from one book fund the next. So when an indie book store takes weeks to pay me hundreds of dollars, it means the next work of genius has to wait to be produced. This is unfair to me and my authors. This goes against the premise of an indie press in it for the love of works that mainstream publishers won’t even look at.
Pay me what you owe me.
I’ve been waiting nearly a month for payment for books from a book launch on the other side of the country. I sent the books on good faith that I would be paid promptly.
Listen. I hate confrontation. But after re-reading the Universe has your back by Gabrielle Bernstein, I decided that my lack of backbone was sending the signal that I didn’t really want to be paid.
After three polite emails. I picked up the phone and called the buyer directly. Politely, I explained that there has been no response to my requests for payment.
In other words: Better have my money.
The check will be in the mail tomorrow.
The lesson here: there is no shame in insisting on the payment that is owed to you.
(Also, your wife may or may not be in the backseat of my brand new foreign car)
(Just kidding.)
YASSSS! Good for you.