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RE: BUILDING WEALTH - Buying Silver Coins on a Budget - Part One

in #money7 years ago

Completely agree with tangible assets. Wish I had put money into bitcoin when I first really researched it, but as my research was being done is when Mt Gox happened and it freaked me out how that much money could be stolen, how the exchange hid the fact it was stolen, and how quickly the price plunged. Before this I had written it off as nothing more then something geeks did to pass time...after I viewed it with a very tainted eye.

Over time my views changed mainly because the environment of crypto changed. This change told me it was ok to get involved, but still no way all my eggs are going into this basket. Still in the back of my head there is always the looming fear of how easily Governments could regulate and tax crypto out of existence.


:) that basically sums up my crypto travels for the last 3 or 4 years. 2 or 3 friends saying "buy", "just buy it" and I didn't because it looked like vapor investing, no you see it, now you don't.

it didn't help that the friends are very successful network marketers with a rep for hyping whatever was hot at the moment and then moving on to the next hot sell.

I'm not counting the Regulators down and out of the game. if anything their word game battle and new regulation threats and actions of this last month seem to point towards them becoming even more aggressive in trying to stem this game at the entry and exit points.

It's all very interesting to watch the tugs and pulls. In the meantime it seems to me that more and more fiat money is flowing thru the gates and into the clouds.