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RE: Bravenewcoin: What is bitcoin?

in #money9 years ago (edited)

Haha sorry I've been trying get to get a little more real life in my life summer just showed up but i have something in the works for you :) i spent the last few days adventuring and playing pokemon go outside haha my girlfriend also joined recently: @lovenugz go say hi shes new to crypto but had listened to me yap for a year lol


pm me on slack with your post when it's ready, search Ricardo Goncalves.

Hey lol, good to take a break...clear the mind and sole from electro-magnetic pollution of the laptop. Nice, well done for bringing your girlfriend on Steemit, I voted and signatured! She just received corporate support, lol.

I love the one reply on her post where someone says "a girlfriend, what's that....a new pokemon?" I laughed so much.


Ricardo Goncalves (BNC Steemit Community Manager)
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