What Would You Ask MIKE MALONEY?

in #money7 years ago (edited)

I am excited as I have found out Mike Maloney the reason why I do what I do will be speaking at Anarchapulco in Mexico. If you had the chance to ask Mike one question what would that be? Post your question below!

There will be a lot of great people to network with an interview. Hopefully, there will be an opportunity to meet one of the reasons I expose the financial fraud in this world.


Let me know what questions you would like me to ask the man behind the epic Hidden Secrets Of Money!

Look forward to bring you the best interviews possible from Mexico!

Peace, Love and Voluntaryism,



Well, I've the following question;

If a couple of people own the same (stock)shares, how are dividends payed to all owners?

Thank you John.
One interesting idea Mike put forward is that he mention plan of going from silver to gold to RE. During the Weimar hyperinflation gold silver ratio went from 16 to 160. Gold silver ratio is now around 80 so it implies he expect GSR to drop to some level for the silver to gold trade then reverse and gold will outrun silver as in Weimar. I would like to know more on the reasoning for this.

Ask him what his best guess is as to what global or US currency will replace the US dollar after the next crash/meltdown. Will it be a global one or just for the US?

Awesome question :)

Mike mentioned in his book that his ultimate plan is to acquire real estate (not the PM themselves).

So, now that we know that, what kind of real estate does he consider, given the demographics that we face in the future?

Thanks John for your dedication! I'm doing some research at the moment of living standards of the average middle class family in several major Western cities in the decades starting from 1960 to today, and I'm quite surprised by what I find!

Keep up the good work!

Great Question. I know it'll depend on when the collapse happens, but I know Mike is a cycles investor :)

Please let me know about your findings :)

Hi John. Hope you had a good time at Anarchapolco. Here are my findings. Please let me know what you think Have a nice day!... https://steemit.com/steemit/@nielssenm/standards-of-living-1960-today-from-multiple-western-cities-and-what-has-happened