My Vote, No Confidence!

in #money8 years ago (edited)

What is a vote of no confidence? Well let's take a look at what Merriam-Webster has to say about it.

Definition of vote of no confidence

a formal vote by which people (such as the members of a legislature) indicate that they do not support a leader, government, etc. (He was forced to resign after a vote of no confidence by the board of directors.)

Interesting. Well now let's see what Wikipedia has to say about it.

Motion of no confidence

A motion of no confidence (alternatively vote of no confidence, no-confidence motion, or (unsuccessful) confidence motion) is a statement or vote that a person or persons in a position of responsibility (government, managerial, etc.) is no longer deemed fit to hold that position: perhaps because they are inadequate in some respect, are failing to carry out obligations, or are making decisions that other members feel are detrimental. As a parliamentary motion, it demonstrates to the head of state that the elected parliament no longer has confidence in (one or more members of) the appointed government.

We are once again in the four year presidential election cycle and the main stream media and the government want you to vote and show your support for the corrupt two party system. Each wing of this corrupt and soon to be extinct Dodo bird is bought and paid for by the Federal Reserve and the worldwide central banking system. The Federal Reserve is a private bank owned by The One Bank as so eloquently espoused by my friend and colleague Jeff Nielson which uses the Master Trading Algorithm. So if you decide to cast your vote for Hillary Clinton your really voting for the Rothschild banking clan and if you vote for Donald Trump your really voting for the Rockefeller banking clan. I personally will not vote for either one of them as they are both corrupted just like this system which prints money out of thin air and then charges you interest and taxes on that illegal debt. I know this decision is not popular with family and friends but I have always been a pioneer and have always gone ahead of crowds into new frontiers. I have therefore decided to vote for myself and take personal responsibility for my economic and political situation. I have voted to become my own central bank and no longer support this debt based system and have now moved to an equity based system. The process for this actually began to occur for me back in the year 2000 when I witnessed George W. Bush openly steal the election. Since that time I have decided that it made more sense to vote on a daily basis with my money by supporting companies and products that I believe in instead of once every four years in fake elections run by central bankers. This approach is necessary as we move from this debt and death paradigm into the new paradigm of equity and life. Gold, silver, and crypto-currencies like Bitcoin will be central to this new paradigm as it will allow individuals and companies to transact business without the middlemen of central bankers. Future wealth and transactions will be based on ounces and grams and not dollars or paper currencies. If you notice in all 3 presidential puppet debates neither one of the puppets spoke about The Federal Reserve. This was not by accident. A puppet cannot speak about something unless the puppet master wants that topic discussed. I gave up on puppet shows back in elementary school.

I put in my vote of "No Confidence" back on September 10, 2015. That is when I resigned as a Federal Police Officer from the Department of Energy after 21 years of service. During my years of service I was responsible for the security, transport, and storage of special nuclear material or (S.N.M.). During all those years no package I was responsible for was stolen or compromised in any way. A record which I am very proud of. I could no longer in good conscious support this government which is controlled by the central banks. My oath was to the constitution, not to a political party which no longer follows the constitution, not to a central bank. Since then I have taken my skills and resources to the private sector and I suggest you do the same. Whoever wins the presidential puppet race makes no difference to me as I plan to prosper and thrive in the transition to the new paradigm. I can only control my thoughts and my immediate environment. I have given up on trying to control things that are outside of my sphere of influence and that small shift in perspective alone has given me much peace of mind. So as you can see I have already cast my vote of "No confidence" long ago with my actions. As I have said before in past articles and videos "Only action manifests". Thoughts and words have no power unless they are made manifest by actions. Love is a verb and therefore is the highest action that can be "manifest" in the real world of experience. My commitment is to Love, and central banking has nothing to do with Love. I understand that speaking about Love and money in the same article is the ultimate sin which is why John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Mohandas Ghandi, John Lennon and countless others have been killed as these are the two most important topics in life that are not taught at any level in conventional schooling. These topics of deep thought must be taken at the individual level and must be experienced in the real world to be fully understood. So whoever you decide to vote for on Tuesday, as long as you vote with your heart, be at peace with your decision and the outcome. I know I will.


Good info. I'm not sure if I'll even bother showing up, but there are a couple of local elections that I care about... a little bit. For POTUS? Meh... I might write in Joel Salatin. I might write in "no rulers". We'll see.

Suggestion - paragraphs. It makes reading easier. Too many breaks is better than not enough. A few images helps too.

Thanks for the suggestions! I have to figure out how to post images here. Yes I still plan on voting in local elections as well.:)