It's perplexing that people who deal with money on a regular basis and who are around so much wealth are so poor at managing it. They spend so much time playing the game, that at the end of the day, they don't have much to show for it. Granted, you probably have to buy a few more suits than the average person working that kind of job, but you shouldn't be broke. The videos were a perfect supplement to the article.
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Pretty crazy that they can't get off the hamster wheel and think about what they are actually doing with their money.
Right?! Like wouldn't they want to actually take steps to make sure that some of what they are earning is going to be there for their kids? Or at least that if something happens to them or their job, that they would be able to survive for a month? They wouldn't have daycare expenses if they were laid off, but that's only going to help so much. It's really disgusting how little most people know about personal finance and how to "balance their checkbook." Most people don't use checkbooks anymore (thank goodness, because they always slow down the line) but they should still know how to tell the balance of their account and that it shouldn't be negative!
Rant over... for now. :)