If you want to determine if the stock market will rise or fall, there are two very important indicators to look out for. They have always been important but as of late, this has become by far, realistically, the only thing you need to pay attention to. Keep a close eye on this and you will be able to stay ahead of the game, and profit from it.
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Sources Used in This Video:
Effective Federal Funds Rate | FRED | St. Louis Fed
All Federal Reserve Banks: Total Assets | FRED | St. Louis Fed
Central Bank Assets for Euro Area (11-19 Countries) | FRED | St. Louis Fed
Japan Central Bank Balance Sheet | 1970-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar
Switzerland Central Bank Balance Sheet | 1996-2018 | Data | Chart
Swiss National Bank Top Holdings 13F Filings
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These are the two MOST IMPORTANT indicators today. Central banks push this market up. They keep it alive. They will destroy all currencies if need be. Learn these indicators and continue to follow them to know which direction the market is heading. You can profit from them or you can simply avoid it altogether. That's up to you.
Indicator # One.... let the Federal Reserve be in charge of the US money supply.
Totally. They have full control and they don't seem to be letting go any time soon.
WORTH A RE-STEEM. Excellent info about central banks being the unlimited buyer of global stocks!!!
Thank you! They are a criminal entity and we need to maintain our focus on them.