Who Is the WORLD'S BIGGEST Buyer of Stocks Since 2009? Hint: Not the Rothschild’s or Warren Buffett!

in #money7 years ago

There have been two primary buyers of shares since 2009. One of them has been central banks. They continuously print money to buy shares as well as toxic assets, derivatives, and corporate debt. There is another group that in 2018 is projected to buy the most shares ever on record. But who could it be?

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Sources Used in This Video:

announced buybacks feb 2018.jpg (724×448)

GS buybacks feb 2018.jpg (691×472)

Add Stock Buybacks to the Causes of the Market Downturn - Bloomberg

2018-02-20_9-34-34.jpg (890×471)

stock buybacks factset.png (890×434)

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There are two major reasons why stocks have risen:

  1. Central banks printing money and buying shares.
  2. Stock buybacks.

There are two major reasons why volatility is so low:

  1. The Fed admittedly shorts volatility.
  2. Stock buybacks.

In your opinion, with all of the facts we have, why is this information still being ignored?

My guess is most of them know the music is ready to stop. They are just trying to ride it out as long as possible. There will be plenty of time after that to talk about what caused it and who to blame. Blissful ignorance and complacency is the new norm.....until it isn't.

I think your content.

Well if the end game is hyperinflation as always or some kind of devalue/debasement of currency to deal with the debt load as no politician would honestly do a politically unpopular default and let the creditors take a haircut. Does it not make sense for CB to switch the shrinking FIAT to stocks? Any asset would do better than FIAT paper in hyperinflation.
Talking about creditor haircut, may be Trump would do it, it is not like he hasn't done it before.

If the market is rigged then I guess we should capitalize on that knowledge.