When you give your money to the bank, they hold it in the vault just for you and put your name on the bills so that you can be sure it’s safe and sound. Same with your stocks too. Everything is insured and you have 0 risk of loss. This information was provided to me by my pet unicorn.
US markets: Stocks rise as bull market approaches milestones
All Federal Reserve Banks: Total Assets | FRED | St. Louis Fed
Effective Federal Funds Rate | FRED | St. Louis Fed
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) | Food and Nutrition Service
Coyote.jpg (592×333)
Russian workers’ wage arrears protests send Putin a chilling reminder of the Yeltsin era
CME claims MF Global didn’t segregate client collateral - Pensions & Investments
▶️ DTube
I couldn't find a link but I think it was around 2014 that congress quietly passed bail-in legislation. I'm sure you remember that. Bail-in's are legal in the USA and people don't even know it. FDIC is not funded to handle a real economic crisis yet the majority of people think it is. The masses are sleep walking into the next financial crisis and this time we are pretty confident there will be blood. They will pay dearly for their ignorance and complacency.
Thank you for what you do. You are not alone.
I wouldn't say we need banks, but i would say we need regulations!
I wouldn't say we
Need banks, but i would say we
Need regulations!
- semtroneum
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
I keep picturing the Wile E Coyote with that little umbrella ☂ over his head trying to get protection him from a boulder . LOL