(Video) 2 Italian Banks Just COLLAPSED! Government to Begin Asset FIRE SALE!

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Don’t be afraid of the COLLAPSE. You’re surrounded by it now, and you don’t even realize it. One by one the dominoes fall. Power is held in fewer and fewer hands. Every crisis is an opportunity for the technocrats to force their way and get closer and closer to their goal of global governance.

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In This Episode:
Don’t be afraid of the COLLAPSE. You’re surrounded by it now, and you don’t even realize it. One by one the dominoes fall. Power is held in fewer and fewer hands. Every crisis is an opportunity for the technocrats to force their way and get closer and closer to their goal of global governance.

EU euro europe currency financial economy italy italian germany ECB

don't be afraid of the collapse you're surrounded by and now and you don't even realize it one by one the dominoes fall power is held in fewer and fewer hands every crisis is an opportunity for the technocrats to force their way and get closer and closer to their goal of global governance you came here for the truth so let me undo that for you today we're going to look at this issue which is very important to Italian banks are collapsing I didn't get it get to do a video about this yesterday unfortunately but here we are this is out of the Washington Post the ECB pull the plug on two troubled Italian banks sending them into insolvency proceedings and pushing ahead with efforts to clean up the weak banks holding back the economy they're suggesting that it is the bank's fault for holding back the economy the whole system is set up to be a failure when you have banks that have three percent of reserves you know they're all insolvent that's the joke about this it's seriously a very funny joke this has been a problem very clear problem since you know we'll say about 2011 2012 sovereign debt crisis became very apparent prior to that we had the issues in the US and other places insurance banking mortgage lenders everything was just showing how real risky had has become fragile there was nothing but lies and fraud and it almost failed the central banks came in they printed up trillions and trillions of dollars we had all of the media spitting out all the garbage that the everything was fine and the market picked up of course we have seen with complete fact-based evidence at the central bank balance sheets and the global stock markets are directly liked they are one in the same that's the reason why everything has seemingly done well but of course that's just one indicator and there are hundreds and hundreds which show the opposite effect the two banks have struggled to overcome high levels of loans that were not being paid back look the banking system they have this thing called fractional reserve banking and I'm sure 99% of you know exactly what that is I described it in my first book and the problem with fractional reserve banking is that it's even a small percentage of people decide that they want to pull their money out then that small percentage of people turns into a very big problem there are many reasons why a lender why a bank why any of these institutions may fail but it doesn't take much it actually takes a very small amount because of fractional reserve banking and it's under the impression that the government will be there to save the day look maybe they are in this case here but what if it wasn't just these two banks what if it was six banks what if it was eight banks what if simultaneously banks failed in Italy Germany Sweden and Australia and everything else would they all be able to keep up all at once or would that start a chain reaction of failures that's what worries me is that chain reaction one of the times they can nationalize them they could print up some currency they can give it to them they can say the bondholders are at fault then they will deserve it so they get a bail in and all this stuff it doesn't matter what I look at is the effect on you and I and it's never a good thing never even if the bondholders take a hit and you and I are part of that and that's what they're claiming it has a negative effect in a long term maybe in let's say the medium term in fact the ECB said it has given the makes time to raise more capital okay total fraud but that the bank's had not been able to offer credible solutions it ruled that they were failing or about to fail and they're insolvent okay why do they do this well they issued that they said look by our garbage debt that we have that we screwed up on and we'll give you a little bit more down the road if you were the German government you could issue debt at a negative interest rate and people will buy all of them up and it seems odd but that's what's happened that is in fact resulted in trillions and trillions of dollars worth of debt being bought up a negative yield I mean it's sick it's ridiculous to think about that if I give you money I loan you money 100 all alone and then I say look I'm going to give you this money but you only $95.00 back I mean does that even make any sense or the other way around anyway you see where I'm going with that look it's all upside down and I'm reading it and it's just how is this even supporting itself on central banking anymore I don't understand it I really don't weak banks that can't lend adequately to businesses have been a key weak spot for Italy and the eurozone economy the ECB took over as top banking regulator in 2014 as part of an effort to strengthen oversight of the European Union's banking system so the ECB let me just read this last one the ECB was given the job because the national regulators were considered too slow to address the troubles at their home banks you can't even decide what you're going to do in your own country if you're in Europe think about that okay you're going to slow meaning you're not following the rules that we've put in place where unelected technocrats and you are at fault so as a result we are going to step in and we are going to decide what happens this is when you know that you have a tyranny it's global government perhaps not the whole globe but it is a supranational entity controlling what your government does I mean this is gone it it's gone it's gone face it the Italian government said it made a 5.2 billion euro of resources immediately available to keep operative to banks that the ECB had deemed failing or about to fail sending them into insolvency procedures look they're going to figure out a way to get them money but wait is like where did that money come from well that's pretty obvious the premier defended the swift action by the government is vital for ensuring during Italy slow economic recovery isn't derailed by a disorderly failure that's right because they screwed up the people of Italy are on the hook that's the way it works and they say look if we don't do this we are going to have a big problem in the banking industry it's going to get out there into the economy our car economy is already in trouble therefore we need to really patch this up right now let's just take care of it now later down the road everything will be fine it's not it's not fine the two banks are based in the Northeast region one of the Italy's most economically productive and I would say that you can have productivity in different sectors different regions but ultimately when you have a noose around your neck at some point you will find yourself hung this marks the first oh this is actually referring just recently there was a bank in Spain which failed and it's referring to this I'm just showing you that this is happening it's not the first time that a Europe a bank in Europe has failed or a bank anywhere has failed this marks the first time under the e use of bank recovery and resolution directives passed the January 2016 that shareholders and subordinate bondholders of a European Bank have not been bailed out by taxpayers but were quote bailed in and the way that I see it is whether you call it a bailout or a bail in I'm not going to really believe that they are going to let their friends take a haircut sure maybe if I owned a bond that they'd make me take a haircut but not the big boys no way the warren buffett's of the world aren't going to have to take a haircut I'm not going to believe it I don't care what they say I just straight-up I'm just not going to believe it and it was for the first time that a banking failure was allowed to occur allowed to occur in either Spain or Italy whose resolution didn't involve taxpayer intervention perhaps the eurozone's banking authorities are finally growing some teeth the fact that financial markets receive the bail in investors calmly tells the ECB that investor bail-ins are the route to go and so the rule takes hold look baylin's might be just the bondholders but what we have to worry about is when they come for the deposit it's being done before and I think that they can use a few times like this just making the bondholders take it and so people are saying yeah baylin's are good valens are good and then they start going for the deposits and they will do that I don't know at what point but here we are I think if it snowballs I think they'll have to go for the deposit that's my opinion on it this was back in July 2016 Italy has no banking problem that's according to the finance minister that's right no banking problem then and one year later Italy has a banking problem that's right whenever they go and tell you that there is no problem that's when you need to run for the hills there's more in the article but it's old news let's move on the e use greatest achievements according to Europeans the percentage of the public in the EU UK thinking that these are the greatest achievements this lighter blue is the total and the darker blue is the UK and what I found very funny was that in the UK there seems to have a difference of opinion particularly in this none so one of the greatest achievements of the EU people in the UK said none and then and this right here the EU currency essentially none of the people in the UK suggested that the EU the euro is a good thing and the many more people within Europe or the EU itself said yeah it's a good thing you know it seems like this brexit is struggling but I don't believe that most people in the UK in fact a lot of the EU want to be in there I mean this is the technocratic elite look look at what's happened with the ECB right now oh you can't handle the problem we'll step in it's not may we step in and help you it's just we're stepping in and that right there to me shows that they have the ultimate saying last but not least this right here who needs fundamentals when the fit is this good expect markets to flounder as the central bank's try to exit and if we get into this scenario where the central banks actually do withdraw from their balance sheets let the things expire or sell them off how are they going to do it look if that central bank comes off their balance she brings it down I believe the stock market will head in that very same direction that's what I predict we'll see what happens I mean how else are they going to rescue it the economy is not doing well they push the stock market up with central bank intervention how in the world will they get it to reverse course in my opinion it's not possible if you found this video informative please give me a thumbs up last but not least if you found the video informative I know you will find my books the money GPS and my new release global economic collapse even more informative you can flip through the books at Amazon they have a look inside feature it's going to allow you to flip through the pages of these books to see if you like them take care



Will the dominoes fall? Or will the Financial Crisis ultimately be contained?

They always can contain it temporarily, but will finally fall

the small banks are the ones that can bring it all down in Italy..at least that what my friends in italy say but also the mafia has equal if not a bit higher gdp so they took the country long ago and ultimately when the EU dissolves Italy will officialy be "Cosa Nostra"

The sad part is that the old system is overdue for a change. It's all setup based on debt and super low reserves. So much money and so called GDP is fake as the money people claim moved around actually doesn't really exist. The silver lining for a few of us is that this will all be very good for crypto currencies.

I agree. What a fraud this is.

It's seems like normal things now being bankrupt

It's a cool trend apparently!

The banks are pretty small so it should be pretty contained. The EU isn't as healthy as it's made out to be.

These banks will not cause a collapse but what I would like to know is that if one failure will ultimately lead to the next...

That's true - like how the 08 crisis was caused by a failure of a few small banks that eventually brought down the big ones.

We have crypto let the system fall

Hi, great post ! for a follow and upvote please reply to this message and follow and upvote my latest post @rafkimuhammad

Good video. Again with the great content. u da man!

Thank you for watching!

The only investiment which is safe is in yourself these days. I dont trust even my family.

Unfortunately this is how it is for most people.

Great post Dave. And yes eventually there will be a domino effect. First, it's Spain and now Italy. Who knows who's next. We are in a very difficult situation and people don't realize it. Before they do, it's too late to react. Thanks for keeping us updated and we really do appreciate what you're doing.

Thank you for watching. The crisis continues!

the Italain govt has bailed the 2 banks out 20 billion fiat ponzie $$$$