(Video) Canada Real Estate Sales DROP SHARPLY! If This Continues, Recession Is VERY Close!

in #money8 years ago

Canada’s entire economy is completely resting upon the real estate market. How do we know this for certain? Just look at the statistics. Personal debt is at an all-time high. Real wages are stagnant. Unfunded liabilities are becoming uncontrollable. And with oil prices down for such a long time, there’s nothing else keeping it propped up. So what’s going to happen?

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In This Episode:
Canada’s entire economy is completely resting upon the real estate market. How do we know this for certain? Just look at the statistics. Personal debt is at an all-time high. Real wages are stagnant. Unfunded liabilities are becoming uncontrollable. And with oil prices down for such a long time, there’s nothing else keeping it propped up. So what’s going to happen?

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In your opinion, is the economy in Canada supported by the false boom in real estate?

Yes from Chinese money

I'm curious how much of their money comes from the USA...

here in Quebec, we have RRQ (Regime des Rentes du Quebec), this cash is taken off my pay check every 2 weeks. This cash is stolen directly from me and my hard work to make this system roll a little bit more. (RRQ means in english: Governmental pension fond) So they steal my money (and millions of others Quebecois) to make this fake economy rolling on 8 cylinders. This ponzi scheme will be copied by other occidentals nations. Who do you think buy all theses worthless bonds? My stolen money from my fucked up government. And I'm glad that I'm stolen 3 times pay. Federal, provincial, and municipality. It feels so good to get used by at my work, then stolen by those governmental scumbags. I've got 36 millions of kids to feed, so I eat peanut butter bread everyday. It would pissed me off to know that Trouducul and Obumer couldn't have eaten in this fancy restaurant. Or Bombardier crew eating kraft dinner like me everyday. Eat shit you bastards governments mafia.

By the way, the only way this housing bubble will continue: lowering interests rates from the central bank, and raising minimum wages. I can see clearly in their game... 3 more years of this insane monetary policy, backed up by insane politicians with insane laws.

it's also dropping in Australia and New Zealand