(Video) The Fed Desperate to HIDE SOMETHING! They Just Claimed a Crash Will NEVER Happen!

in #money8 years ago

What exactly are they hiding? This is obviously complete p ropaganda and anyone can see through that. We have witnessed this before in history and we are facing this yet again. Lies in out face and we have to sit here and pretend it’s acceptable. The bankers are c riminals, working for the entities which work against us. Do not fall for their traps and don’t fund their systems.

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In This Episode:
What exactly are they hiding? This is obviously complete p ropaganda and anyone can see through that. We have witnessed this before in history and we are facing this yet again. Lies in out face and we have to sit here and pretend it’s acceptable. The bankers are c riminals, working for the entities which work against us. Do not fall for their traps and don’t fund their systems.

fed federal reserve crash financial economy janet yellen


The Fed lying. Can you believe it?! ;)

Reminds me of when George Bush promised there was no financial crisis.

They all seem to lie and people believe it.

So is ECB, Bank of England and many others.
We need to learn to use our brains again :)

For real. People are literally believing this. Just read the comments on YouTube hating on me for this.

Wow there are so many comments :) Looks like many people are interested in this topic. very good.

There is always a crash every few years, but many people still believe there is not one coming soon

In their life times she said. Who is they?

Maybe she's 105 so it could be true!

These people <Central Bankers/Most Politicians> are seriously stupid af.

They're trying to convince people that the CB has everyone's back. As we now, the CB's work for the bankers, not the public

Aren't the FED guys going to create their own blockchain with fedcoin? Just wondering if someone is going to buy it.

IMG_20170701_222737344.jpg@themoneygps Your quote "Yellen the felon" is music in my ears. Congratulations for finding her nickname! Easy to say, poetry as a sarcasm, sweet! Thank you for your daily reports! And keep awakening the world to this central bank planned economy (crash). I don't live their dreams, if you can't hold it, you don't own it