The Swiss National Bank is Single Handedly Pushing U.S. Stocks Higher, printing money out of thin air, and purchasing billions in particular stocks. You want the proof? Well… You came here for the truth.
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The Swiss National Bank owns $80 billion in US stocks, with a catch - Business Insider
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The Swiss National Bank is Single Handedly Pushing U.S. Stocks Higher, printing money out of thin air, and purchasing billions in particular stocks. You want the proof? Well… You came here for the truth.
central bank swiss national bank switzerland
the Swiss National Bank is single-handedly pushing US stocks higher printing money out of thin air and purchasing billions in particular socks you want the proof well you came here for the truth let's get into this today I first want to show you the mainstream media article and then I'm going to show you the public documents beginning with this Switzerland is buying US stocks on an enormous scale the SMB is buying massive quantities of dollars and euros paid for by printing hundreds of billions of Swiss francs so the SMB now owns eighty billion dollars in US stocks alone that's as of June 2017 it is estimated that about 20 billion or so are in european stocks so think about this when you have seventeen billion dollars being purchased just this year alone from the SMB and then you have to understand that a lot of that is really focused around technology but it's not every stock in the technology sector we're talking about particular stocks and even though they do buy many socks there's a heavy focus on particular companies and I will show you those companies in a moment well what do we have here with central banks not just the SNB is that they're a corporation just like any other and they're trying to make a profit so they print money instead of you working your hard hours at your nine to five job they just have a printing press they print up that money and then they buy stocks well that's really good if you are the benefactor they're you're able to reap the rewards of a central bank buying shares of your company it's a great system now let's get into the actual public data with all of these companies there's something called a 13 ass okay and that 13f will disclose all of the data that we need so you don't need to just make that assumption or go based on what insiders say the data is officially public you can see it for yourself this website here just takes all of that information and puts it into a nice little list for us to make it easy to view but the 13 FS are available on the FCC's website this particular stock Apple that's one holding in which they are definitely affecting the price of that stock this is just one of many but think about it they own 19 million shares of Apple that's huge in fact they own billions of dollars in Apple shares that is not a conspiracy theory that is not something I just made up it is an actual documented fact so if you want to show somebody that the central banks are in fact holding this market together all you need are the 13 F filings and they're public we don't need to have sort of conspiracy theories or anything else silly like this we are talking about documentation that's been available to the public for a while and here it is so if you need that if you're not really somebody who doesn't know about this stuff well now you do okay so look at the different stocks that they own different sectors even just another example here Microsoft okay so they're doing so they have Google they have everything all these big corporations are receiving money from the central bank's and think about it this is just one example that's just the Swiss central bank and when you apply that to let's just say even if 20 thanks for buying up shares of your stock it's going to have a major effect they can do so on a grand scale should they decide to but either way even just what's publicly available to us we know that they are single-handedly pushing stocks higher just imagine when you look at all of the rest of the central bank's how much they own and then what's going on under the table so this is huge I believe it's important a lot of people will say that I acknowledge the fact that central banks are pushing up stocks but I'm losing out should I not ride that wave I totally understand what you're saying if you think you can make money doing this by all means do so I just don't like funding and fueling a system that is corrupt and as far as I'm concerned it's immoral a lot of these corporations exploit us in many ways they steal our information they are actually being used to put us in sort of a digital prison for example Google being one of them when you search on Google you're not receiving information from Google Google is getting your information you have to really take a 180 on that you put information into Google that's the difference so anyway that's just one example I think very moral and if you don't feel that way then you know it's up to you that's why I don't really I don't really like a lot of the what people claim our financial experts whether that's they call themselves that on YouTube or anywhere else and then they recommend buying stocks I think that's something that you can do however those of us who we want to know the truth about what's happening and when you start digging into and you realize that a lot of these corporations are siphoning off the wealth of us in different ways they don't have to pay a single ounce taxes in most cases then we simply have increased taxation every year in one way shape or form if you feel that that way like I said by all means do so but it's not for me anyway that's it for this video this is the proof you need central banks are in fact pushing stock prices higher and the information is public if you found this video informative please give me a thumbs up and last but not least if you found the video informative I know you will find my book someone in GPS and my new release global economic collapse even more informative you can check that out I have my free ebooks I have t-shirts now I've got the free eCourse don't forget about that and all my youtube stuff on my website the money GPS com
I came here for the truth
And you got it!
Do we really need more proof? Seriously.
Good stuff. is a good alternative to Google.
Agreed. Startpage is great.
when this all goes south, the central banks will just accelerate the sell off. before 5 years are up, probably.
I wonder if this process is helping people move their wealth to safe havens such as Switzerland? The swiss keep their currency devalued by buying dollar and euro denominated assets thereby providing cover, concealment, for billions moving from the western democracies to the "safe haven" of swiss banks. A neat trick because they end up owning all the companies as well.
great share man