(Video) U.S. Pensions Will be Bankrupt in 4 Years! Countless People Will Not Survive!

in #money8 years ago

Pension funds and other retirement accounts are a simple concept. Invest the money now and we’ll pay you out at a later date. It’s a simple Ponzi scheme that works well under most conditions. Just keep money pouring in and you will always have money to give out. But what about if you don’t have enough money coming in? What happens then? Also, this money you put in has been gambled with. Tampered with.

In the end, there will be nothing left for you and I.

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In This Episode:
Pension funds and other retirement accounts are a simple concept. Invest the money now and we’ll pay you out at a later date. It’s a simple Ponzi scheme that works well under most conditions. Just keep money pouring in and you will always have money to give out. But what about if you don’t have enough money coming in? What happens then? Also, this money you put in has been gambled with. Tampered with.

In the end, there will be nothing left for you and I.

pension fund pensions bond fed federal reserve central bank debt deficit money cash savings

Moody's: Public pension liabilities unlikely to get reprieve over next 3 years - Pensions & Investments

Public pension liabilities vastly outpacing contributions despite higher payments — report - Pensions & Investments

Asset Publisher

U.S. Public Pension Plan Contribution Indices, 2006–2014 | SOA

2017.03.31 - Pension 3.jpg (1430×919)

2017.03.31 - Pension 8.jpg (1430×938)

average debt.jpg (1200×668)

debt balance at death.jpg (573×343)
http://www.pionline.com/article/20170620/ONLINE/170629984/moodys-public-pension-liabilities-unlikely-to-get-reprieve-over-next-3-years http://www.pionline.com/article/20170621/ONLINE/170629952/public-pension-liabilities-vastly-outpacing-contributions-despite-higher-payments-8212-report http://www.investmentexecutive.com/article-details/-/asset_publisher/uOfAVucMj8hF/content/iiac-calls-on-feds-to-bolster-private-retirement-savings-system/pop_up;jsessionid=siiB6ySoocqJ+pJI5q7UjpmJ?_101_INSTANCE_uOfAVucMj8hF_viewMode=print https://www.soa.org/research-reports/2017/public-pension-indices/



People think it's risky to invest, so they put it in pension which is much riskier

this financial system is like the baby boomers, it is dying at the same pace

My pension is my Gold and Silver bullion!!

Great work!