The U.S. stock markets had declined throughout October and yet based on several indicators they are still severely overvalued. According to the statistics provided by Goldman Sachs, this is one of the most overvalued markets the world has ever seen. The question is, what will trigger the massive crash we have been waiting for?
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The bull market's biggest buying force is back in record amounts
Federal government current tax receipts | FRED | St. Louis Fed
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I was thinking the same thing right before you said it. If they need to be buying their own stock to keep the price up, clearly that stock is overpriced!
Posted using Partiko iOS
surely they buy back when they think it’s undervalued? or are they dumb?
I think neither. They buy back when they have the cash to buy back with! That's smart because it increases the value of their stock, which leads to others also buying more of it. Since they are paid bonuses in stock, using company money to increase the value of what they are being paid is smart. Nefarious, but smart.
not if there’s a crash around the corner!
LOL, you're thinking like an individual. You have to keep in mind that they're spending someone else's money. They basically socialize the risks but privatize the gains. They can't change the fact that a crash is coming anyway. They can just maximize how much they have (and personally sell) before it comes.
Glad I’m not “somebody else” lol ;-)
too much manipulation is going on to prop up the market.
Thank you 🙏 for giving me the education I didn’t get in school (indoctrination camps)👨🏫 👏 👍 🍎