There’s a common misconception about taxation that people who are wealthy do not pay their fair share of taxes. That’s certainly true for some people but not for others. What about the lower income people, are they paying all of the taxes to the government? The answer is no. So who is?
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OMB: Top 20% pay 95% of taxes, middle class 'single digits'
The rich do not pay the most taxes, they pay ALL the taxes
I don't agree taxation is theft. Who do you believe should pay for national defense? Hwo do you propose that would happen without proper taxation authority?
Taxation is not in itself a bad concept. It is just very very poorly implemented in the US, since we, the citizens allow the government to do such a bad job.
Look at taxation in Switzerland. That is a better system
Implementation of taxation system is poorly done.
We pay income tax, property tax, gasoline tax, land transfer tax, capital gains tax...Everything is taxed. Almost 100% of it goes to kill people overseas. I don't want to participate in that. I can't avoid buying things when I need them but I would surely like to not pay income tax. Major corporations don't seem to need to pay.
Something like half the federal budget is for the military, of which only a portion goes to active military actions... so no, "Almost 100%" does not go to kill people overseas.
And none of your property taxes do, those are local and fund things like schools.
Why should anyone believe anything you say about taxes when you don't even understand the fundamentals?
Maybe someone can explain to me how any taxation is justified when the government has the monopoly on creating the currency out of thin air? Since they can enter an amount into an account, there is no reason they should require others to pay for it with currency that was earned. That is unfair..
And dont feed me the BS with the razzle dazzle that it has to pay interest on its bonds that its bank (that it transfered its monopoly to) purchased. That is merely an engineered foreclosure and is a fraud on its face!
This is a crime.
Taxation is theft. It’s extortion. I’ve made some unpopular comments in this video but I strongly believe in it so I must stand by it.
No matter how much money a government brings in with taxation, they will always need more and it seems that nothing positive is ever done.
Serfs would revolt if they had to pay 10% in taxes. That was the breaking point. Now we look at corporations who pay 10% as if they are getting a really good deal. Times have changed.
If I earn money, I deserve to keep it. Same goes for you.
Try that logic with your landlord:
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