First off- Is this a picture of your house? If so, the lawn is excellent.
Second, I am also 36 and have two kids, but sadly I am not a year away from retiring! Great work on lowering the expenses- very money moutashio
The only check point I can cross off this year is paying off my car! Which will save me $200/ mo.
I have built up quite a bit investing, but my wife has type 1 diabetes. Currently she has very good insurance through her university job. For some reason big pharma really likes to price gouge life or death medicine (insulin). So even once I'm able to replace our monthly cashflow, leaving her insurance could be a very dicey and surprisingly expensive unknown.
It sounds like you're doing all the right things though, and I look forward to hearing more about your success over the next two years.
Upvote for the MMM love!
Also for the insurance angle. I was looking heavily into potential early retirement but in the US, health insurance is a huge unknown risk that has dampened my desire. With young active boys, we have already gotten our fair share of stitches and broken bones. I know a couple who are not yet 65, and they only plans they could qualify for were individual plans $1000 USD/month for coverage that started AFTER the first 10,000 USD (also was max out of pocket). So best case they are paying 24k for coverage and worst case they are paying 44k out of pocket.
What are your plans for health insurance @getonthetrain ?
Health insurance is covered by the pension. Additionally, my wife is British and we could always move there for the National Health Service.
Also, I would easily travel to a cheap, but well-rated, country for health care if it was not an immediate need (such as an accident).
Thanks! And 44k...OUCH! 😖
I always love me some MMM!
No, that was a house I found for my previous post about $100K (If you want that house, it is still for active sale! Only $100K)
Sucks about the cost of healthcare.
Ah okay, and I like my house, I just don't like weeds and crab grass :/