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RE: Solar: A Hidden Investment

in #money9 years ago (edited)

I do support the green energy and everything, but I see an important issue. You depend on the state to purchase the energy from you and the price might changed, beware of that it had happend in the past.

Another point, much more money might be made, in connection with solar pannels, on two things. First the land lots, getting a good lot that is enlighted for whole day might cost zero to nothing compared to what you can actually sell it for when someone decided to start a solar panel plant in that spot. Second is that the panels cannot be destroyed normally but must be recycled, starting a company to recylce those is actually more profitable. I have experience as I have done few legal advices in regard of those plants.

Edit: typos, writting from blackberry.


There are solutions on the blockchain for selling solar power.You sell it via a smart contract.

The idea is for A big house or Business to deploy this.Due to the ever higher energy costs. Battery cells from Tesla might become more viable. And then yes You would 100 % be free from government energy. In South-Africa we have Eskom... Currently stable because of economy down turn. My point. I'm well aware of this. Also grid tied could be swapped for bi-directional and hence be on a later stage be used to give power to your neighbour. In South-Africa it is illegal to pump electricity back into the system...

i think a dieing planet in the future is pretty important of an issue. The fact cancer exists because of the impact humans have had. Don't believe me? research cancer over the last 150 years. Victorian/industrial age fucked everything.