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RE: The Government’s Inflation Policy Is Killing The Poor And Middle Classes

in #money9 years ago

If you feel it is time to replace the economic system, then we simply need to use the legal authority the people of the United States granted themselves in Article 5 of the US Constitution. The legal right to rebel as it is known by calling a constitutional convention to bring the government back in line legally and most importantly peacefully. During the convention you may propose any new form of economic system, and therefore you could easily return the right to create currency to the Government or to the People, and we could replace the Federal Reserve system with crypto-currencies if you wanted or any system you desired. I would suggest printable crypto-currencies to decentralize the monetary powers making money the servant of the citizens instead of the other way around.

Unless the people do something this Federal Reserve debt monetary system can literally go on forever, just constantly printing more and more currency.