Hello steemit,
in this tutorial I want to show how easy it is to withdraw XMR (Monero) from POLONIEX exchange to an online wallet account on http://mymonero.com.
I strongly recommend to withdraw all funds invested in the PermaCryptoFolio experiment from Cryptocurrency exchanges to avoid loss in case of a hack of the exchange.
The screenshots are taken from the FLIPPER portfolio, which is traded on Poloniex exchange.
In the next days I will continue this tutorial series, because there are still a lot of funds on Poloniex I need to draw out into my own wallets.
Create new MyMonero.com account
I don't like the fat native wallets that require to download the full blockchain of an cryptocurrency. Instead I always try to use online wallets when possible. In this tutorial I use the MyMonero.com wallet.
Open MyMonero.com in your browser and click "CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT". Double check if the URL is correct. There are a lot of phishing sites out there, with similar domain names and different top-level domains like ".co" instead of ".com".
Immediately a new seed is generated and shown on the next page. Write this seed down to paper and store it in a safe location, best practice is to store copies of the seed on different locations! If you loose the seed, you will loose the access to your monero. Also be sure that there is no keylogger or virus running on your PC! If you have saved the seed, you need to enter it in the textfield below "Confirm your Private Login Key". Now click the blue button and enter the wallet. Note: The seed here is not the seed I use for storage of my Monero. Do not waste your time with trying it out.
We have now created a new empty wallet. At the bottom you see the address of the Monero wallet, on the right side is a "copy to clipboard" icon. We need the address later to start the withdraw.
No click the "Receive" link in the blue menu bar.
The monero wallet shows an optional Payment ID. I recommend to use this ID later when we start the withdrawal.
Log into Poloniex
Now, log into your poloniex account and click "BALANCES" in the menu bar and than "DEPOSITS & WITHDRAWALS".
Search the coin to withdraw
This webpage opens. I recommend to click the "Hide 0 Balances" checkbox, to see all your assets. Search for XMR (the shortcut for Monero) and click the "Withdraw" link on the right side of the page.
Some input fields become visible now. File into the "Address" inputbox your monero address (from the mymonero.com account). In the optional "Payment Id" field I recommend to put also the according value shown in your mymonero.com wallet. Important is also the Amount field, where you need to enter the number of Monero you want to transfer. If you want to transfer all Monero you can simply click the number of Monero on the left side behind "You have .... XMR".
Please double check the correctness of your inputs. In case of errors you will loose your coins.
Finally click the Withdraw button, if all inputs are correct.
If you have 2FA enabled for your poloniex account, you first need to authorize the withdraw by entering your 2FA code. This step is not shown here.
Confirmation Mail
You now receive an email from Poloniex.
If you click the link inside the Mail, the following webpage will be opened in your browser and the withdraw will be started.
Now wait some minutes until the Poloniex Withdrawal History shows your transfer.
Check in your mymonero account if the funds have arrived. We see that the Monreo have arrived their new home.
Yes, I also started to trade XMR when it was 4.0$ now earned almost 400$ per week
Definitely gotta upvote this. Awesome. Thanks.
Despite countless exchanges for cryptocurrency specifically, Bitcoin; Poloniex Exchange still remains a leader. It has been surviving in this industry holding endless features that traders always search for. Poloniex prides itself for providing advanced trading functionalities and maximum security.