Excellent research!
I can appreciate how much time and effort it takes to wrap your mind around how shell companies actually operate. To think that 2000 shell companies may be related to this web you're attempting to unravel is truly mind-boggling.
The panama papers / paradise papers / offshore leaks are revelations, yet it's not easy to follow they intricate dealings of many of these operations. There's significant overlap in ownership and control in many instances often with dozens of shells masking the activities and muddying the waters so thoroughly that it makes tracing payments nearly impossible.
I commend your efforts, as this is truly an area that deserves greater scrutiny.
Edit: Your ability to present complex matters clearly is so impressive, thanks for breaking it down!
Thank you. Yes, unless you are an accountant or lawyer it's very hard to work out how these companies operate, and if they are actually breaking the law by money laundering. The Panama Papers etc are a great source of material once you've familiarized yourself with all the jargon.
I wouldn't of been able to fit the pieces together if it wasn't for my trusty old graph. :)