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RE: How A Peanut Butter Sandwich Saves Me 2.5 Workdays Every Year

in #money7 years ago

I think some did not understand the concept of their message, what I understood, maybe this is wrong, it's not just about saving, but that little can mean a lot, and a lot can be very little, about how with just one grain of sand you can end up changing it everything, and above all, that with just a few small changes in your life you can make it better.

You can save a lot of money by reducing some relatively insignificant expenses, you can save a lot of time if you manage it well, but you can also use it in reverse and spend little time doing things you want to do, such as learning French or doing some exercise, and long, you will also see good results.


Yes, save time/money on things that don't matter or that you can cut back without missing and then use that time/money in areas that matter a lot to you.