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RE: Money Doesn't Exist

in #money6 years ago

it’s just molecules in the shape of an object. I get what you mean though about the trust thing.

Interesting enough, lately, I’ve been handing over loads of cash money to a contractor who’s overseeing the renovation of my house.

Or, in other words, I manifested cash from the digital numbers that I ‘see’ in my bank account and then handed it to someone else who - in turn - might hand it to someone else and so on. Now my numbers are down but do I really have less money? It depends of my perspective and look on money.

No matter what, the last weeks I was very much money minded and having to transfer from a bank account in one country to another and literally go to the bank to change it into a thing I thought I could touch and sometimes finding out the bank either didn’t have enough cash, being closed or the machine being down, made me very aware of this crazy shape shifting thing called money.

I could go on and on but let me conclude by saying that my look on money is changing a lot. I really have to rewrite my deelt ingraibed beliefs.

Interesting series :>)

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