You lost me "greed is good" mate.
You still don't understand the difference between a socialist economy and communism. Maybe read a bit more from the link above.
Greed is animalic. We should be better than that.
To quote a wiser man than me:
"There is enough wealth on this planet for everyone's need, but not for a single man's greed".
That is because greed is a bottomless pit, and I pitty the fool who thinks it's Ever a good thing.
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O.K. I'll try to explain. The economics of starting a business are not the interest of the other person(your customer), so why do a good job(whatever the business) for them? Simply because you want a repeat customer. Do you do this good job for yourself? No. Why? Because you selfishly want their business again and again and again. So the good job isn't because you care anything about the customer, you are selfish, and this selfishness makes you do a good job for your customer!! The unintended beneficiary of this good job you do(selfishness) is your customer!! That is why capitalism works, my friend. Selfishness. Hence greed is good. Your greed is motivated by getting your customers money!! Everybody benefits and that is why capitalism works better than socialism(altruism). Socialism on the other hand is a one way street and when the voters in a democracy discover that they can vote themselves benefits by electing politicians that will take from the successful and give to those with their hands out, you will have set in motion the seeds of destruction of a society by means of altruism(socialism). A bit longer than I wanted to write, but I hope you get the gist of what I'm trying to say. Good Luck!! P.S. I have read the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, my comment on that book is it comes straight from the depths of hell!!!!!! Perfect on paper and Absolute Misery for humanity in practice/implementation.