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RE: What I Learned Reading Money Master the Game by Tony Robbins!

in #money7 years ago (edited)

@jerrybanfield - Jerry - thank you for this find. Reading the title, I initially thought 'here is another book that teaches how to make money but why is Jerry Banfield talking about it'. There must be something special about the book then. Going through your blog, I found out that the book talks not about making money but explains the mindsets of the money makers. If the book motivated you to invest half your savings in hard times into a Dash node (an iffy investment in some ways at that point perhaps), then it shows me that the argument in the book must be powerful. I will certainly try to locate this book and study it. Thanks

I have 'wasted' my weekend without getting 'wasted' and written a rather philosophical post about my butterfly and bee pictures called Float/Sting..What is your strategy. I request you to see and provide your views if you have time. Your comments will be very welcome. Thanks


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