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RE: A simple life of luxury

in #money7 years ago

I also never had any idea of what I wanted to do in the future when I was still kid. As a matter of fact, I walked into university irritated with my dad for forcing English studies on me but when the time came to switch to law, I didn't. I think the form is somewhere in my father's house till date.

Luxury has always been a dream for me. Like you @tarazkp, I didn't grow up in the laps of luxury. We barely had enough to eat sometimes so I always consoled myself with the future being better.

After several years as an adult, after seeing the waste and the corrupting influence of having too much and still needing more, I find that my dreams have drastically changed.

A small flat, a car, a business that supports me and my family and I am good to go. I don't want the ostentatious life; it's too much trouble.


I didn't grow up in the laps of luxury. We barely had enough to eat sometimes so I always consoled myself with the future being better.

I wonder how much of the future being better keeps people going even though potentially hopeless.

A small flat, a car, a business that supports me and my family and I am good to go. I don't want the ostentatious life; it's too much trouble.

And too much waste.