What do You think?? STEEM price in period of time - ONE YEAR ( ͡€ ͜ʖ ͡€)

in #money9 years ago


Simple reasons and simple conclusion, without technical bullshit. My prediction is 25$ High, because STEEMIT.COM is innovate, a lot of potential consumers, STEEM POWER is brilliant idea in long term profit maker, and people can do what they do usualy on other social media sites and gain for this nice amounts of cash ( ͡€ ͜ʖ ͡€)
Problem can be the potential hacker attack's just like be in past and less propably massive dumps of steem on market - but I personaly don't believe in that. Inflation can be a problem too but I don't know too much about it on STEEM will look like.

That's why I think we can reach 25$ in peak.


What if tomorrow there is something that is more interesting than steemit ? Then will steem price appreciate ?

steemit is one, next one social media based on blockchain is going to be a copy. So what is your predition? 2$?

market will verifing it