How to be rich?

in #money8 years ago (edited)

Why Money Matters? As a citizen in a third world developing country, even a small kid will answer you loudly. "Yes!You idiot!!!" may be the answer will be bit harsh. Because in here every little thing depends on money(may be it is same in your country too). Even though majority will answer like that, few may answer you the other way round. They may be monks or the richest people in the region. So what makes them different from the rest. here by them, I meant about the rich.

Answer will be long. the short answer is most of them are out of the rat race. Think this way. Anyone in the world living in anywhere will be forced to learn and then find a fine secure job. Even you! Hope you agree with me. Is it bad? No. Then what the hell you are talking? this will be your exact same question.

Having a fine secure job is good. But what are you doing with the money you make? How you spent them? these are the questions for you. and those answers will also explain the reason for common poverty.

this is a short introduction to my future articles. If you are interested, I will post one by one for the people who have trouble living a rich life. Also remember that Looking rich and been rich is a two different thing.