Investing in the Gold Miners with help from Dollar Vigilante and good ole' due dilligence

in #money8 years ago

Let's start with the legal mumbo jumbo.  This is not financial advice blah blah blah.  This is my experience in investing in the miners.  I spent a bunch a time on YouTube and going from guru to guru before taking the plunge.  My personal preference for reports is:

For those who are into the miners and gold and silver, these guys are all in your corner.  Check em' out!  I can honestly say they are not pumping stocks and their advice has been spot on.  I've have been wading in to this volatile market.  Everyday is pre-UFC fight energy, but I try to do stay in a zen calm as I click the buy button. You have to be careful as these stocks can move 20 to 60 percent sometimes in a day. One minute you are up and then with a dip, you are doing the zombie walk.  However, we are in a bull market and there is some serious money to be made if you put on your pirate hat and mount the gang plank.  This is the wild west folks and suits my personality.  However there are some ways to play this market suited to your risk factor.  

If you got the money some of the majors are more rock solid although my gains have been less.  The juniors are on fire, but picking the right companies is work and just because it is on a pick list or the chart is giving you the buy nudge doesn't mean she's a winner.  The emerging producers have been hit or miss, too.  I say mix it up and if you can maybe buy some insurance with options if things go south for the cowboys.  You gotta be f....n careful though.  Se, con quidado, senores y senoras.   Look at cash flow and all the boring balance sheets.  Share dilution and regional politics.  It is definitely its own matrix within the larger market matrix.  I seem to have affinity to the people attracted to it.  Sure there are the fleas that shake off at each dip and move on.  Taking their profits or crying, "never again." There is some soul here though.  It attracts the rabbbit hole jumpers who have done some work on themselves and looked beyond the slight of hand of the fed and the sleep walking titan we call the corporation of the united states. (I refuse to capitalize it)  Maybe I'm getting nostalgic but I believe those who believe in gold are on the right side of history.  There is division within the bugs, but if you smelt it down we are all about freedom.  Freedom from regulation and governing, and yes that word we have come accept, taxation.   

I don't have crystal gonads and the miners could go down the toilet with the whole racket if the market crashes.  Of course there is manipulation, but if you keep your eye on the ball and listen to the little voice we all have you start to trust your instincts.  The indicators are good, the study is paramount but there is also intuition.  You can feel the momentum, like the look from a young damsel beckoning you forth.  But buyer beware, that damsel sometimes hides a dagger.  Greed, an impostor for intuition.  Crushed, you exit the octagon at 4:30 Eastern, head hung low, you vow to train harder, hire a new coach, learn a new system.  I walk in nature, pet the dog, look up to the sky and laugh.  I do it because it is fun.  They money is the froth on the wave, not the swell itself.  Rewards are nice but playing the game win or lose and not letting your spirit deflate...ay' now therein lies the rub, to Buy or not to Buy.  

This is not intended as f....n financial f...n advice yada yada yada.  Go miners, go silver, go gold!  Crypto too!!! 


I have done real well with K92 Mining, KNTNF

Yes, just bought some more myself on dip. They are mining ore supposedly next week or so!

NAK Northern Dynasty Minerals has done well too. Just pulled back and a nice buy opportunity.

I'll have to check them out, thanks for the tip