How do apps make money?

The mobile application development services industry comes along with a huge potential to earn millions of dollars. However, not every app earns an equal share of Android and iOS market revenue.

In spite of following the same mobile application development process to make money with android/ios app, not every business is enjoying the fortune of getting billions of dollars being transferred to their accounts. This is making startups who are yet to enter the mobile industry, encounter questions like, “How do apps make money?”, “how do you make money from an app?” – Questions we will tackle in this article.

But before we dig out answers to these questions, let me share one thing – There are over 5.50 million apps to download on both Apple App Store and Google Play Store, and many more are expected to enter the domain. Meaning, there’s tough competition in the marketplace for earning from apps.

In such a scenario, one thing that can prevent your app idea sink like Titanic is focusing on the right considerations before building an application.

So, let’s uncover what things you must consider before developing a money making app.

As you know how apps make money, you should also be aware of how the future for mobile app development looks like and how mobile application development Dubai, USA are on boom. Over the years mobile apps have seen good money and this will for sure continue in the coming years as well. The gaming apps are making millions every year but the simple apps are still on their way to earning millions. Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual Reality are the technology trends that are set to enter the mobile app development industry and change the whole market.