So my primary job is door to door sales. I have talked to thousands of people across the U.S. over the past few years and have always been blown away with one thing.
No matter what demographic or city I'm in, people love talking about their money. This only happens when I ask them what payment method they want to use and if they have a solid credit history. Almost as soon as I ask this question is sparks them to open up and tell me about all their money problems! It blows me away.
I showed up to their house half an hour before as a total stranger and they open up to me like I'm their financial advisor.
After all of the lengthy conversations I have held with people, I can confidently say the majority of people I have met have a money problem.
It goes to show how important money really Is, and how cute statements like "money can't make you happy" are totally incomplete statements.
There are so many ways in today's economy to generate revenue on the side. Many people have skill sets that they don't even use at their primary job!
What are some of the methods you guys like to use for supplemental income?
hmm... well, trading cryptos can generate a lot of secondary income :)
Yes it can! I am just getting into researching how and when to buy crypto I learn something new everyday.
I had lots of second side jobs where i used total diverent skill sets .
From fixing cars to pc's , changed jobs and with them skills many times.
Adapting is the trick ;-)