Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to share a few photos of fog for this weeks post!

Foggiest Monochrome Monday
I've taken a few different photos of a foggy environment, but they always are so intriguing!
With this weeks post for Monochrome Monday, I wanted to give it a theme but a little bit different. Before I have often just grabbed random, kind-of related pictures on my blend posts, but not with a specific purpose. For this week, and maybe some more if I can get in a groove with it, I wanted to pick a specific theme for the photos. I don't know ALL of the photos I've got by heart but I do know that I've got quite a few and can think of some interesting themes for them. The issue sometimes is FINDING the pictures once I figure it out :D.
I'm glad that I experience fog where we are, because it is a really beautiful and interesting weather pattern. It can make an every-day scene look incredibly scary or somber! That's pretty wild, and combine that with black and white pictures with some fog, and you've got quite a combination!
I've got a few other fog photos but I happened to choose these 3 to start, although it does contain one of my favorite fog photos that I've taken yet, the last photo. I think these are all pretty good blends and representations of the eerie nature that fog can bring to a picture! Foggy forests are certainly one of those ones that's a little extra creepy! We have some good fog here, but certainly nowhere like the Pacific Northwest - essentially a rainforest. I particularly love the fog that circles the treetops and stays there, almost like a hat or something.
Fog at the beach, especially a rocky beach is a really creepy, eerie or somber type of picture to look at depending on the frame and some other elements. We enjoy going to the rocky beaches over the sandy ones mainly because we are active people and tend to do a bunch of exploration of the species living in the rocky area.
We had one day where we went, it was really hot at home but when we got to the beach it was substantially cooler which then creates the pretty dope foggy environment! We've been to this beach 3 times perhaps, where the fog was like this. Personally it's my favorite because you can't see the cars or houses when you're out there in the fog, when in reality it's 150 feet away or so. Thicker than pea soup as they say! This also contributed a little bit to the feeling of excitement when it came time to catch some crabs!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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Great shots. I would imagine it's kind of hard to get photos of fog because you might just end up with a screen of gray!
Yeah photos of fog can be tricky! It's very close to black and white as it is depending on the scenery.
In winter, there is a similar atmosphere in our city and these things are much more beautiful, but it is getting colder, so here in the mountainous areas where it is colder, people should be careful. You have to do more.
Indeed people have to be more aware in the winter!
Lovely photos, as always, thank you for sharing 🙏
I agree about fog, it is a very ominous type of weather. Compounded by the fact that everything seems muted in the fog, very distant in terms of sound and sight...
I don't see too many black and white photos of fog, but I used to have a print of downtown New York in black and white, from the 80s/90s -- with fog! 😀 It used to be one of my favorite prints, thank you for bringing back memories 😄
(It basically used to look like this print, but with fog 😚👌 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/new-york-rain.html?blackwhite=1&sortBy=relevant)
That’s awesome I’m glad it brought back memories! A black and white photo of a city like New York sounds really cool. Very noir looking!
super cool foggy photos!!!
we've great thick fog some days ago but I didn't go to take shots, had no time for it.
Now I look and your ones and envy;))
I just caught some AfterFoggy photos:)