A quiet morning on the river bank


Some mornings you just wake up creative. Most creative mornings for me are wasted by having to punch a time-clock. What is the deal with that anyway? Some of my most creative moments occur when I am in a position to do nothing about it.

Some mornings though, some mornings are perfect. Those mornings where you wake up before the sun, have a delicious cup of coffee (heavy on the cream), grab your camera and head out the door. This shot was taken on one of those mornings.

I grew up in Northwest Arkansas a stones throw away from the Buffalo River. This is my home. This is a part of me. This is where I point my camera...a lot.

Anyways, thought I would try jumping in on the #MonochromeMonday tag for my first photo submission!

Until next time,


Peaceful flat water there! Glad you decided to jump in...to #monochromemonday that is lol. Followed :)


Thank you!

You're welcome!😉👍