I Use This Everyday! - Monochrome Monday


Welcome My Friends

To I Use This Every Day

Monochrome Monday Style

I hope everyone's Monday is starting off nicely! Let's get those BnW's up!

Try to guess, and I will reveal it at the end!


Not a tough one this week!


I really need to make them a bit harder!


Giving it away already!!


Hope you had some fun with it...




The Old Guy is thrifty what can I say.

13 bucks at Walmart LOL



I love this look Melinda....how do you do it? Photoshop or a phone app? It's a filter right?

I usually use the phone app Pixlr. This is one of the many frames they give you. I have several different editing apps on my phone, but I have been using Pixlr for years, so it's the one I usually use because I know my way around.

Thank you!! I'll have to figure out photoshop....I am good with Light Room but it doesn't have filters or layers like photoshop does. Time for some tutorials.

You can learn so much on YouTube with the Photoshop tutorials. There is so much to learn!

I don't use a PC anymore, so phone apps are my best way to go with photo editing.

This has it all!

Thank you! I had fun playing with it and turning it into something I could use. I was on a train when I took it.

deep insight in your shoes, yeahh wazz effer could kick..<< of your weel better^^ Hii sweet sugadaddy :D
i went wet as its bathing season ^^ ;) whoo

DSC06045 (3).JPG https://busy.org/@swedishdragon/the-cure-for-anything-is-salt-water-sweat-tears-or-the-sea

Haha ....that's pretty cool at the first photo i thought it might have been a bath mate till i got to the fourth photo then it gave it away...good one :)

Here is my link Mr Paul have a great day !!


That's great value for money and I'm guessing the no marking sole is a usp.
I didn't get it until the last photo haha! Don't make them harder. I'll have no clue.

Here's something from me for #monochromenonday ...it's me! :) https://steemit.com/monochromemonday/@molometer/monochromemonday-molometer


Oh! No! I couldn't guess until I saw the whole thing! Big mystery! The first frame I thought it was a towel or some fabric, but the second photo knocked me out of the way. Great photos! Thanks to your photo puzzles @monochromemonday became even more interesting. Thank you!!! My post today :) : https://steemit.com/monochromemonday/@madlenfox/the-sun-draws-patterns-of-shadows-for-monochromemonday

Thrifty and useful out there walking up a storm. Happy Monday, Paul ... here is my contribution.https://steemit.com/haiku/@prydefoltz/mock-star-in-monochrome-monochrome-monday-and-haiku-old-guy-photos

Well look at those photographs I was thinking to myself, how can old-guy-photos use that everyday and have them be so clean? The I got to the price at Walmart and realised that you don't actually use that particular one! 😂

Here's my monochrome monday post for today. I actually like it better in black and white than colour. 😊


Turned out nice!

Well thank you kind sir! 😁

Your monochrome Monday becomes a macro monochromatic riddle. I can not boast that I guessed...I'll try again next week.
My post: https://steemit.com/monochromemonday/@bluemoon/monochrome-monday-at-the-museum

Heading over my friend.

Is it OK to say OK?

OMG, once again I had no idea. Well done! My post for today is here, thanks for taking a look...

Thank you for playing, Keith.

You're good at hiding the answer till the end!

I started doing yours yesterday and was distracted by @dswigle so I plan to get to it today!

I did not guess....not even a little bit....I had to see the whole shoe. Good one!

Here's my Monday Mono photo series. Thanks to @melinda010100 for giving me an idea :)

I like that old stuff!

I'm so terrible at your game. It always takes me at least 3-4 photos before I have an idea of what your object is. Always beautiful shots though!

My Monochrome Monday is showcasing my Sunday haircut. https://steemit.com/monochromemonday/@schmidthappens/a-sunday-haircut-for-monochrome-monday

This was a fun one to check out. Thanks!

I should have guessed it, but I didn't. In fact, I didn't have a clue. Well, that's not true either. I actually thought it was the microphone, but by the second picture I realized it wasn't.

I am no good at puzzles so would it be too much to ask you to make them a little bit easier? There are some of us that are a little more challenged than other's!

I'll try to drop my #MonochromeMonday link later.

Upped and Steemed

Tip! Worthy Puzzle

Well now THAT is a good idea for next week. You are too good at puzzles. You are as modest as you are sharp!

Oh no, please dont worry about doing a MM. I know you have a load on your mind today. The Old Man will not get mad. The Old Man could never get angry with you.

Let's hope this Monday gets better...

pocketsend:11@old-guy-photos, play around with the token of fun - POCKET!

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Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.

Step by step presented very nice. Your presentation is really commendable.

Nice sequence of bn shoot! I could not guess! ajaj :)

At first I thought it was your microphone...then realized was one of your snickers!!!🤪🤪🤪

That is my speed. Thrifty shoes!

This guessing thing is really creative!

Oh thank you!

Hi @old-guy-photos! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

Earn daily income on steem: @tipU distributes 100% profit + 60% curation rewards to all investors.

Interesting b&w shots of usual things!

I got it about halfway through before I guessed it.
How do you centre the text?

<center>insert words here</center> will render as:

insert words here

Excellent. Thank you for that.

AWEsome ... .^^.

Nice monochrome photos! The shoes seem like a great value for that money spent. Sure they serve their purpose just fine as some other shoes 10x the price.

O yes, you're good! I recognized the bottom of the sneaker :)

Hello handsome boy.
many days without visiting you, a short time
at first I thought about the seats of the car hehe,
but your shoes give a lot of play
Happy Tuesday

Ooh, a B&W Shoe Shot by the OG. Can't get much better than that. You had me for awhile. And you have the least marked floors, which is all the better. No squeaky breakfast fast-cuts in the the kitchen. Cheers.

I knew these would be way to easy for a true shoe connoisseur :)

This one I spotted what it was from the first shot, which is unusual for me I normally have no idea for a few shots LOL

here is my mono Monday shot from yesterday
