Awww... Every time I se your comments.. Already the first line makes me smile 😊
Yes Bobby and Elvis are the cutest.. Lol
Elvis Smoking pot 😂😂 hahaha Yupp sounds about right... He was such a nut and pressed himself into the smallest spaces.. Lol
The Swedish fish bag 🤔 done before I'm done thinking if I'm right? 😂😂😂
I mean if it's as fast as I ate mine.... I'm still embarrassed about it... Like a vacuum 😜 lol
Just disappeared into my mouth.... Lol
Mabye I will try that joke sometime... Lol
I mean you are the expert on posts that Noone should upvote or... Buuuwwwaaahhhh 😂😂😂
Accident that became famous.
I hope you are having a wonderful day and I hope to meet you SOON!
Love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘
oh my goodness - it went too fast! also - VACUUM!!!!
i looked into the bag and i was embarrassed too!!!!! LOLOLOL
now i can't have any for a long time LOL
or else - my blood sugar will be ridiculously high hahahahahahaha
(ohhhhhhhhh when is the day when we will MEEEEET) hahahahahha
love you beautiful <3