Hahah so many zombies arounds! 😂😂 Pandas, cats and you too now!?! 😱OMG i felt the same waking up this morning 😂😂 I will follow your advice and I have decided to put bars in the windows apart from buying a samurai sword 😉 hehehh
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Yeeeeeees....beware...we are many ;) Especially me when I am tired in the morning. Feeling like a bunch of different persons all sleepwalking in different directions. Bars are good...although chocolate bars won‘t help...however if you throw it after the pandas they might eat them if its bamboo flavoured, if you throw them at the zombies, they might look confused ‚grawwwwwwwl???‘ Oh I must be tired, I am talking nonsense ;) Off I snore. Nighty night :)
Hahah :) nothing like an energetic bar to go up that zombie spirit, and wake up too of course! ;) hahahah Tomorrow, monday morning, the zombie legion would attack again early in the morning, i'll remember u while watching all of them coming towards me... best wishes and good luck! :P
Energy bars for zombies...yeah well done...no wonder they are coming for you. Could give them strong coffee as well. What works wonders for me in the morning (and I am a severe case of ‚where the heck am I, who am I and how many am I‘ in the morning) should do the trick for that little rotters ;) That reminds of me being with some friends at a festival years ago. In the morning we all shuffled to the buffet with some getting lost due to severe problems with coordination and general alertness. At the buffet a friend of mine grawled something like coffee and me mumbling something resembling remotely something like ‚orange juice‘. We were all so knackered that the staff tried gently to push us in the right direction when we were searching for bread, butter,scrambling eggs in a state of trance. we were further away from being awake than the moon is from earth. someone like Romero would have been thankful for such zombie actors. we were good :)
hahahahh :))) LOL i cannot imagine that scene at the fest but sure was a glorious moment ;) I'm serving some coffee right now, sugar free of course. If you consider necessary having a couple of liters please tell me about ;) Now, it's time to recover my human part so let me please have a little monday nap ;)