Monomad-Thursday - Animals

in #monomad7 years ago

Hola amigos.

Esta foto la tomé en un zoológico, como pueden apreciar la pose de esta jirafa es algo divertida. Esto no fue planeado, simplemente capture el momento.

Espero sea de su agrado.

Hello friends.
This photo I took in a zoo, as you can see the pose of this giraffe is something fun. This was not planned, I just captured the moment.
I hope you like it.


Cámara/Camera: Canon Power Shot SX 400 ISS,
Ajustes/Settings: ISO 100 Focal distance 71,874 mm Opening f 5,6 Shutter Speed 1/640 seg.

RulesContes by @brumest

Hasta pronto/see you soon.