Does praying really bring devine help and peace?
Prayer is some kind of meditation to find peace of your mind for sure and will keep our selfishness in check.
"If we pray for others, we will open our heart for forgiveness", I was told.
Really? I can only hope that somebody prays for me.
**This is my daughter when she was 6 years old at our black & white, decorated Balinese Hindu "home-temple", holding an Incense-stick, deeply in prayer. **
Tahnee was born in New York City.
She recently told me that she became an Atheist without the believe in God.
I was kind of sad at first but accept her scientific approach to our universe.
I keep those memories and picture of my little girl, sending good vibrations to our universe.
I couldn't make it through without my daily, at least 5 minutes meditation, after waking up or closing my eyes to sleep. I couldn't bear the pain of various disappointments I still feel, otherwise.
I was raised as a moderate Christian because we were considered "Austrians" but nobody went to church, my mother refusing to pay their monthly taxes. We celebrated some "commercial" holidays but I don't consider my family religious people, nor good "Christians".
My mother was mad and kind of sad because nobody got her Easter eggs last year. Hmmm....
I am searching my whole life how to get rid of demons and devils, wanting to find out who my God is and still prefer practices in Buddhism and Hinduism but I finally believe that we all are Gods and Goddesses, if we choose to be.
My mother taught us one prayer only, I will always remember. It's hard to translate those sweet words exactly but it's simply the call for Jesus in a small childs ❤️ heart.
I still wish for Jesus to be on my side.
He was such a good man and damn cool! I never met anybody yet who could "make water to wine".
Did you ladies?
Jesus Kindlein komm zu mir
Mach ein frommes Kind aus mir
Mein Herz ist klein
Darf niemand hinein
Als Du mein liebes Jesuslein
I prayed in many different places in this world, churches, temples, mosques, beaches, mountains and dark rooms, especially when I was dancing to good music under the full moons.
“Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one's weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.”
OM Swastiastu
[Go and Welcome in peace]
Posted with @esteemapp
Follow @mammasitta and @massivevibration @welovesteemit
This offering of yours really brought a tear to my eye.
My iTunes shuffle kicked in with the song "protection", just as I started reading it, now i'm writing this reply through a glazed vision.
Thank you.
Thank you for sharing your heart, opening your soul and spreading your beautiful light onto this page, for a most touching read @Mammasitta.
I also stopped/lost believing at some point, early on in my life, during the post-initiation ceremony of the assimilated mind era.
Prayer/meditation allows an opening to a consciousness beyond.
And so - A practice that once seemed trivial at best, becomes a treasured gift.
Om lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu
My tears were running while I was writing this little story on my iphone app this morning, after spending a very important hour with my girl.
Your kind words and thoughts were missed and I am so happy to read this special comment.
Let's keep on praying whoever we feel to do so but I truly believe without meditation we will end up confused human beings.
Peace for you and all who read my words
We pray beacuse our soul speaks more than our lips can ever do.
Nice post.
I am so pleased to see a reply on one of my old posts. It’s really an interesting timing and reminder that I did not pray enough. I really needed to read this articles and your beautiful words of wisdom! Thank you!!!
You are welcome!
I was raised Muslim and I almost became an atheist like your daughter before coming to find the truth. You can read about my journey here and you can also find more about my beliefs on my weblog if you're interested in seeing what I think. All the best with your spiritual journey :]
Beautiful! I will take a look at your thoughts and why you obviously didn't become an Atheist. Nice to know you!
So you became Christian? I am very interested to know about your spiritual journey!
I have written a specific article where I debunk atheism. I have also written one where I debunk Islam. I've become a Christian but I do not agree with most Christians on a number of issues. You can read about those issues separately if you want. From the nature of hell to salvation which are very key issues and for these reasons I don't attend any church. It's hard to find a church where I would feel at home. Maybe one day I will plant my own church :P
Really interesting! I am reading on your blog now and forget to reply to my comments. I didn't expect such a good feedback so far because the photo is very amateur but the feeling in it speeks thousand silent words
Let me know how you go. If you have any questions about my blog, I'd be glad to help. Because to be honest with you, what I believe about Jesus and afterlife is the only thing that keeps me going, otherwise this world is a hopeLESS place to be in!
Let's plant 🌱 🙌 The seeds of our love for the universe and all Gods and Giddesses wherever they might be @msg768
God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer
I listen my heart.....
I do believe that religion is just a means for us to make a good relation toward enviromentment, human, and also the God that we believe in.
and now i believe that by being good to environment and toward the other, is much more religious rather than you pray to God yet still doing bad things said bad things to the other.
Beautiful believe !!!!
Hi @mammasitta I am really glad that you share this post.this is really helpful and informative to get peace, actually in today's world every one is finding peace and that post should reach to every an upvote and resteem is must.
Thank you so much 🙌🙌🙌 I changed the subject line after reading your comment
so nice of you, you make me feel so special :) ....!
You inspired me and helped to make this article complete. Thank you again @tanzai
You are most welcome.
And you have great concepts which inspires me do thank you for that...! @mammasitta
I dont think one need to believe in something devine, god/devil/angels or some other religion and/or spiritual sole to be able to meditate. Meditation in the end is releasing our brains from thoughts to give it a reset, a rest and with that to be able to deal with the daily stress we get, and maybe also to accept better since with acceptance the stress levels gets lower.
We crave peace of mind! We all do!
Whoever and whatever we choose to find that kind of peace, is ok for me.
Better to believe in something without leaders and rules that can never be proven IMHO :)
You sound like my daughter 😝
Guess Karl Marx ideas where not that different comparing religion with opium. I have nothing against religion perse. But it is used for the bad; In the name of religion a lot of sh*t happened and still is happening in the world, that is part of the opium part of things I suppose.
Your daughter must be a very cleaver girl! :)
I agree !!!
For some people, Religion is like a drug !
@mammasitta I prosper in every place and in every situation, because You Lord, are always with me. Your presence brings with it Your power, protection, and peace. I thank You for blessing me to experience preferential treatment everywhere I go. You raise up people who use their power, their ability, and their influence to help me in ways I cannot help myself!!
Sometimes we pray as if we don’t really believe that God will answer us. But major religious texts declare that God often responds powerfully to a prayer that a faithful person prays.
You are a good Christian and do you also go to church?
I admire your powerful words.....Thank you!
Congratulations @mammasitta!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:
I pray, but i make my own prayers. If want it to have my energy and motivation. Not sure if it is working and what it exactly does but I know I feel a little better when I do.
Meeee too!
I always feel restless if I don't meditate = pray
Many people called themselves atheist… but a lot depends on your education… you can never completely deny it…
And there is always something called hope… The reason and the heart often wants opposite things…
Finding the truth! Searching throughout the years from youth to old age. The older I get, the more I meditate, the more peaceful in faith I am. Praying helps to keep the hope alive and balance to keep on walking on razors edge.
That's one of the better things of getting older... you start to understand you will never find the truth...
Or like in the song from Jean Gabin : "Je sais qu'on sait jamais..."
(for the english translation :
Das Gebet kenne ich noch aus meiner Kindheit. Oder auch:
"Lieber Gott mach mich fromm, dass ich in den Himmel komm"
Diese frommen Verse sind mir noch sehr vertraut, waren sie doch meine erste frühe Begegnung mit dem Glauben.
Diese Worte bleiben für immer "imprinted" in meinem Herzen!
I believe there is a power...& I hope is God
I feel that it's #God but also #Goddess!
A series of writings, a good belief from every human being, to believe in the journey of life, So that we as humans have a straight path, and mutual respect, love among religious people. It's very religious. I liked that
I prefer to call it believe in your "spiritual" journey. I never saw myself as religious. I do believe in the power of love among all people. I respect devotion as long as it's not in the name of "war and hate"
Wow. The meaning of a high expression of the language.
I hope it fils the emptyness and brings him joy.
Joy! Prayer does bring a lot of it!
Nice to meet you
same :D
Beautiful post - Btw: I LOVE Bali... I visited in 2001 and cannot wait to return!
I have actually just moved to Costa Rica - for the excellent surf and jungles! Thank you for upvoting my post also - really appreciated!
Beautiful post @mammasitta, it is only #god who can, to turn the hearts of every human being. Without him we have no meaning. In this perishable world.
Don't you think that God is US or in US and every being ?
Maybe, but it's all true. Do you also think so?
this bring tear to my eye :') GOD BLess you :)
The silence and the darkness is not saying gods is not with us. If we truly believe him, if we act as he said, gods is every where.
God bless you and your family!
@mammasitta, if you are looking for the truth, go to the Bible. Jesus was not only a great man - He is the truth, and He is your door to a wonderful new world. Try it, you may just find more inner peace than than you could ever have dreamed of.
#Jesus! #Amen! 💓
Nice blog, worth to read
“Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one's weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.” - This is the correct quote!
Thank you for your post dear @mammasitta!
I am so thankful for such beautiful comment and feedback!
hi my friend great post visit my page and up vote me i need help you thanks alot my friend
Thank you for your attention. I will check out your blog for sure. 💙
Beautiful post! How many wise words! I admire it! Thank you very much dear @mammasitta for your work!
Thank you so much for your feedback !
yeh, if we do something with our believe it may become sucess rather than uncertainty of doing things.
it is a good habit to believe your work and keep faith with it
Exactly my friend. well said.
god bless you, thanks for sharing
I feel blessed! Thank you so so much ! 🙌
Praying connects our consciousness to the ultimate power and we feel safe and sound after praying. Letting go and surrender are the two main parts of a prayer. If we can't surrender ourselves, there is no use of the prayer.
Praying does help me to let go indeed, keeps me calm and therefore I stay faithful. "All is as it should be ". It's so much easier to trust in the power and to accept our path. 💕
Hey dear as you sent me a message on steem chat that you already put me on automatic voting but I have not receiving your votes, is there something wrong or you removed my name there.
I am curating also manually and pause autovotes sometimes because I also need to refill my VP and also give new members some support
Ok got your point dear.
You are great. I agree with you.Prayer is evidence that we are weak human beings, who will always need help from the creator, God. The concept of God in various religions is the same, and there are many ways of praying in each Religion. And we as Muslims, are recommended to Prayer Tahajud in one-third night for special prayer. Regardless of whether or not our prayers, we can only surrender and accept ourselves as servants of God.
Please enlighten from you my friend.
Prayer helps with everything, alhamdulillah it has got me through so much.
Deep breaths and prayer is what works best for me. I have to tell myself "hey God's got you" works every time! I hope this helps you too! 😊
It sounds like you are searching as much as I do from time to time.
I think Buddhism methods like meditation have been proved (to me) to give the most calmness in my soul and I'm not really sure about the Christian God, unfortunately.
It is a bit sad to look back and see our kids as small and with such a believe in life, trust or God (whatever it is), they grow up and learn so much during the way, good and less good things.
Great written, thanks:-)
I really believe in the power of prayer and in essence, it's the transmission and receiving of positive energy, we just don't know what frequency it's transmitting at, but it doesn't stop us from trying. I think to myself, when has anyone prayed and thought of negative thoughts? I just don't think it's that prevalent, but not enough people believe in the power of prayer, and if more people believed then we could see society in a better place. Praying doesn't have to be religious, it's just an individual's connection to something more than what they are physically, exercising one's pineal gland. Praying is management of the mind, and your mind could be transmitting and receiving energies that cannot be seen with human eye, but doesn't necessarily mean they are not there, you just can't see them, so for some people it's just redundant. If only there was a way to wear a pair glasses that could see every energy wave being passed around this place, maybe it would change the way we see things today. There was a meditation experiment carried out in Washington United States back in 1993, and it's interesting that crime had been reduced by 23%. Coincidence, or collective power of the mind? Thanks for this great post @mammasitta. Upvoted and Link below.
I 1000% agree with you, the closest and most powerful creature to transform our life can be found inside of yourself. We were all supposed to be Christians while born, that's what society requested, even though I reckon not more than 5-10% of this Christians really believe and know something about their god. People just got used to, it's easier for them not to think about everything themselves, but just take whats given by Christianity, without further analyses or argumentation. I became kind of Buddhist few years ago, even though Buddhism is more a way of thinking and accepting the Universe than a religion. In Thailand, as you might know, 94.5% of the population are Buddhists. But people believe in spirits as well, so do I. Even though nowadays technologies and entertainment distract people so much, I believe that more and more European people can find their way in Buddhism and it can only make our world a better place to go. I spent half a month in the Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai, doing a meditation course. After I came back, the only question asked was : " what did it give to you?". But the thing is, I never thought of it this way. What will I get if I go for a meditation course, what will it give to me isn't it a bit selfish and egoistic. People think too much about their prophit skipping the process and their feelings. What's the point to tell everyone that you are Christian, when in reality you are not, I don't understand that, whom are these people lying to and why? So that they still have a small hope of getting in Heaven, or what :) Sorry for a bit messy and kinda long reply, it is a very complex and emotional issue for me :) I wish you a great Sunday, Silvie!!!
Stay steem strong you have been blessed by the freak.
A million blessings back to you
Thank you mam.
wow didn't know you followed Hinduism. What inspired you to learn about it?
I lived in Bali from 1999-2017
You should try and visit India.
I did when I was very young and it was my first cuktureshock :)
Depends on which part of India you went. I am from Mumba, India. ;)
I remember it was called Bombay back then . I was pretty much everywhere for over 2 months. It's long time ago
Yes true it was Bombay back then. I am in New York now. But India is an interesting place with lots of religions and interesting history and historical places.
I visited several times to Bali, and there for the courtesy of the residents are really thumbs up. I miss want to visit back there, hopefully when visiting can meet face to face with you and can walk with you all ask for knowledge from you
Nice to see your nice and kind comment 🙌
Totally agreed. with you great post. nice thoughts..
Resteemed your post to make more customers
Nice to see your here and my big thanks for your support 🙌
Very nice post! Faith is a very important factor to everyday life!
Yes indeed and when you have doubts, meditation gets me through
Do you do it in the mornings or multiple short intervals during the day?
Totally agreed with you such a nice post @mammasitta
Thanks for sharing .... Nice post
maybe the point is to find a peace in your mind? even atheist can do it
True that ! 🙌
Hey hey hey, Have a great weekend!! <3
Hey hey hey back to you! You too!
The prayers of the righteous availeth much, don't give up someone is listening.
I can hear because I listen to my inner voices and messages from the universe
Stay blessed and have a nice weekend.
prayers and meditation help to calm down and reflect on the things that you did wrong.
keep praying and don't be selfish.
Yes mamma praying is kind of meditation. :)
post yang bagus
nice post :)
Thanks for sharing , great post