I am a Baby Duck. And you, You are Nothing

in #monomad5 years ago

I am a Baby Duck. And you, You are Nothing

The little ducks are a bunch of love and here they are in time black and white

And the Baby duck says you are nothing 😉
The baby ducks in shower are my entry for daily #monomad challenge in #blackandwhite as well.


The previous monomad post was of my little niece and here her little ducks when she is giving bath to them


Some facts about the ducks you would already know,

But did you know

  • Ducks are on every continent except Antarctica
  • Ducks live in both fresh water and sea water
  • Ducks have webbed feet, they act as paddles and that's why they waddle instead of walking
  • Ducks feathers are water proof as they are covered by the oily substance produced at their duck tails
  • Ducks can swim in ice cold water as their feet does not feel cold. Reason being no nerves or blood vessels in their feet.
  • A female Duck is called Hen
  • Ducks are better navigators during their annual migration journey. They track the landmarks and the starts to travel the route.
  • Ducks are emotional like the regular pets like dogs and cats. They feel the pain too

Do Ducks like to be petted ?

  • NO
    They need space and they avoid humans

Do ducks mate for life ?

  • Ducks do not have a long term bonding. They just do seasonal bondings

How protective Ducks are towards ducklings?

  • The ducks so not like strangers approaching the ducklings, they do not tolerate and they even try to kill the stranger they encounter to protect ducklings

How long does Ducklings take to Fly?

  • Normally 50 to 60 days when they learn n fly. Once they know flying they are independent.

Do Ducks recognize human faces ?

  • yes, they recognize their human friends who are familiar to them. They can also differentiate the voices they hear.

Why do Ducks be noisy at night ?

  • If the Ducks are feeling too secure and too insecure they make the noisy quacks

How do Ducks tell you that they are happy?

  • The Ducks keep moving their head up and down like bobbing out of excitement 🦆🦆🦆🦆




All the information I was gathering of ducks was a good time knowing them.
Hope they help you too know better about them. Ducks are evil but not mean 😉

Have a beautiful sunday all.
Take care and stay safe inside your home.


Interesting shots.

Speaking of ducks... Do you know which side of the duck has more feathers? The outside. 😅

🤣🤣 outside 👍🤣

beautiful shots