
I guess it's not about what you know on here, but about who you know. Lol!

Yes I think so
Some clearly have friends very big on here I have seen cases where one upvote was worth around $150

I don't bother that much, but if I'm thinking of following someone, I click on their name to see what kind of stuff they post. I don't want to follow spammers or someone posting a lot of crap I am not interested in, so it just caught my eye because it is right across th top! I probably would not have noticed much except for the **not following anyone." It stood out.

Ohh yes I think I know the one I do the same as you and the not following anyone was something that caught my eye and I just closed it didn't see the money they were making per post

Well, I saw the money on two ho-hum posts in a row, and was curious! The images were not great, and there was nothing too special about the writing either! When there is a not following anyone report, I always suspect a bot or scam of some sort, but I may be wrong. I just don't know all the workings of Steemit yet!