What Blockchain Can Offer Social Media

in #monoreto7 years ago


Blockchain seems to be just about everywhere these days. Cryptocurrencies are usually the first association that people have when they hear the word blockchain. But it is something that is entering many more specific parts of our lives. One of the things that makes blockchain attractive is the level of transparency that it brings. With transparency comes accountability and in the wake of the recent scandal involving 87 million Facebook users’ data being inappropriately shared with Cambridge Analytica, these are things that more and more users are likely to care about when it comes to their information.

Facebook was already seeing a decline in users before than scandal hit. Since the beginning of 2018, changes have been implemented with the newsfeed and advertisers have scrambled to figure out how to make sure their content remains lucrative.

Another thing to take into consideration is Big Data. Companies are researching social media pages for marketing purposes. Their approaches are getting more aggressive because the information they are able to seek will give them tools to end up earning more money from what users are willingly (but possible unknowingly) ready to share with anyone who is out to find it.

As social networks create algorithms, advertisers work to crack them and other parties interested in user data are also exploring ways to get what they want. Again, the transparency that blockchain provides could be a way for social media networks to offer their users something more and make them feel safer and less used. A move from ad-based platforms to ones that run on blockchain would lead to users having total control over their data and being able to choose with whom to share that data, if with anyone at all.

Giving users more control over their content is something that serious social media companies are going to have to consider as times change and users start demanding something more from them. Monoreto is a blockchain-based social media network that pays users for quality content by charging users for the likes they give. This enables quality content to earn money for its genuine popularity. Transparency and practicality just can’t be beaten. Visit www.monoreto.com to learn more about this revolutionary blockchain project.


I think I'm missing something. If Monoreto pays content creators by charging users for the likes they give, why would users like anything? It seems like users would opt to not like something rather than pay for the like.

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