Have You Tried Our App Yet?

in #monoreto7 years ago

Monoreto is a new social network that wants to change the way that we like things online. Nowadays, it seems like people like posts without giving much thought and this means that likes have really lost their value.

We want to change things by putting a price on the likes that users give and receive – the equivalent of $0.05. This means that when someone posts something that is really good, another user will feel like rewarding the poster for it. This earns revenue for the content creator and also helps to push both the like receiver and the like giver up in the social network’s feeds. Finally, we are going to be seeing what we want to see when we open our social media pages!

We’ve got a beta version of our app up and running now. You can register and get some Monoreto tokens that will allow you to like posts and see how the platform works. It will give you a good feel for what great things Monoreto is going to bring to the world of social media. Post your own photos and look at what else is being posted and rewarded with likes. You might even be making some new friends!

You can see how you rank on the network and really just have a fun time trying out something new. Monoreto is the way that social media should be – fun, interesting, and rewarding.

Our #token sale is LIVE! Don't miss the 50% discount & be part of the new gen of social network. Head on over to www.monoreto.com to try out our app as well as investment opportunities in this great social media project!


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