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RE: S.M.A.C. by @kaelci - Day #8 - June! SUPER NOSTALGIC BOOK BABBLES!

Oh yes, the growing pile of books to read is forever growing here too! I'm not sure how people find time to do anything; sit down and watch netflix for a measly hour included. I can't do that. Haha. I get an hour to myself a day, and that is spent writing a couple of things here before relaxing in the shower before going to sleep. Maybe if I gave up an extra hour of sleep... but I love it too much.

My other hour of silence is right now, but this one doesn't count - I'm uncaffeinated and half asleep, and prone to rambling. ;)

I highly recommend this series to add to your own growing pile! Well, the first book of it anyway... I can't speak for the other two just yet. What's your novel about? :) Fantasy? Sci-Fi? Romance!? :D I love hearing about writers writing things that have settled in their mind for years... it's a story that wants to be told.