Hi Gene ✌️
Would you trade me some Blurt for some Hive? I have like $80 worth of Hive. Please trade me if you would :)
I wanna try it out. I’ll just send ya some now. If you can’t help just let me know and you can Venmo me cash instead. I’ll give you a discount. @geneeverett
Was going to say Don’t send! I only have under a dollar worth of Blurt Liquid! I’ll give you a little bit I have extra but it won’t be close to even trade. If u
don’t mind me sending some cash via Venmo at a discount sure I’ll do that. If not let me know. I will wait to Venmo until I hear from u! Hope all is well!
If you wanna just buy Blurt you can. Let me know if you need link to a place. Nice seeing a post pop up from u over there.
Last call
Sorry 🥸 I forgot to Venmo u. Thanks so much!
It’s on way! @artgirlnyc
Thanks again for sending!
I sent a few bucks on Venmo anyway.