The Moon in Mundane astrology

in #moon2 years ago (edited)

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The Moon in Mundane Astrology. The very word mundane, contains in itself a word moon that means the moon, and in the horoscope of the state which is called mundane, in the natal chart planets can be considered as persons, if to look at the moon through this prism it marks the mother, women, or the woman, can personify a girlfriend or representative of lunar trade (for example a nurse, Nanny, Educator, Hotel worker, Medicine, Psychologist, Hypnotist, Water salesman, Representative of restaurant or hotel business) Moon is also a family, family, in the horoscope of the state Moon is interpreted as a nation, or nation, can represent medical institutions, breastfeeding consultants (but in any of these cases, the Moon is also the subconscious and will affect this area of the psyche, the Moon's actions are expressed in changeability (the Moon as a luminary is constantly changing and going through growth and waning phases), the Moon is feelings, intuition and if it is significant in a horoscope it can be considered as domination of feelings and emotions over reason, in the worst cases creation of an illusory imaginary reality, that occurs not without display of qualities inherent in the element of water on which it influences (for example, the tides, growth of plants which structure consists of a large quantity of water) The Moon is also located in the zodiac sign Cancer, ruled by the Moon and the water element, which has a vast sphere of influence, which is expressed in a heightened sense of intuition, empathy, sensitivity, natural gift of understanding the psychology of behavior, is a conductor and solvent, is the basis of life, its creator, and also destroyer (tsunami, flood, change of water structure, under the influence of temperature can cause climate change, an example from the past is the ice age, which ended with mass extinction After the Ice Age and the extinction of many animals, new species emerged, adapted to the cold, highly survivable and capable of changing and adapting their bodies, embodying in themselves and their descendants the main goal, the fulfillment of which is the main task of all living organisms - evolution, emergence and adaptation of species that will help the wheel of life not to stop its movement and dotted with a variety of forms of strong and able to change, living beings, the main task of life the conservation of this life and improvement of the genetic mat The law of our planet is survival of the fittest. They say history repeats itself and we walk "under the same stars whose combinations repeat the pattern that is projected down to earth not once, but repeat with a certain cyclicity, like a pattern on a textile fabric which embodies the laws of the universe about cyclic repeatability and motion in a circle, about what is above is below and vice versa, that what happens above is embodied on earth in the material world, The planets draw patterns, weaving energy threads that connect the top and the bottom into the fabric of life, selecting colors and music, weaving characters and destinies into one pattern, producing energy into material expression, the moon, playing the role of the womb, is filled with energy from the sun and other planets collected from different lunar locations located on its trajectory.


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