The "earthshine" phenomenon that happens sometimes during a thin crescent moon is a fascinating event for me. It makes me imagine myself walking across the moon as it is illuminated by a nearly "full earth" sky. Because when we are experiencing a "full moon", the moon is experiencing a "new earth" .. and vice versa. When we are experiencing a new moon, the moon is experiencing a "full earth."
Sometimes we are lucky enough to be able to see the light reflected from our own earth bouncing back to the moon, rather than it just being illuminated by the sun. Earthshine.
This fun fact brought to you today by ME! I'd quote a source, but it's just something that I know. My source is my own memory. I can be YOUR source now.
Here's a gorgeous little video from Ricardo Arriaga of a view of the Earthrise as seen from the moon.
Photo ©2018 @paintingangels (serena matthews)
Gorgeous image. I love watching the cycles of the Moon & have always been fascinated by the celestial bodies since a young age. Such a magical thing to look at each night.
Awesome. I love it when the mooooon looks like that. Thankyou for the info too. Interesting think.
Aren't we all lunatics?
Love the photo, so moody and ethereal