Super Blue Blood Moon Tonight (waiting a best picture)

in #moon7 years ago

Currently I want to discuss a unique natural phenomenon and can only be witnessed once every 100 years. Super Blue Blood Moon, the city where I live now has the opportunity to see firsthand the natural phenomenon shortly, maybe before I want to convey about what is Super Blue Blood Moon.

** Super Blue Blood Moon**
The lunar eclipse this time combines three natural phenomena at once so called as Super Blue Blood Moon.

The first phenomenon is Supermoon. So called, because the Moon is still at its closest point to Earth. That way, the Moon will look bigger and luminous than the previous time.

Then, the second natural phenomenon is Bluemoon. It is called Blue Moon because it is the second full moon in January. Just to note, the full moon this month before also occurred on January 1.

The next phenomenon is the total Moon Eclipse, which is often called the Blood Moon, because when Total Eclipse, the Moon appears blood red because the light is filtered in such a way by the Earth's atmosphere.
According to NASA, the western United States will be able to enjoy this phenomenon, ie when the Moon passes into the shadow of the Earth and its color turns to blood red.

NASA said the West Coast, Alaska, and Hawaii regions could see this phenomenon as a whole.

Other parts of the Earth that can also be watched are Australia and Asia, including Indonesia and Singapore.
In addition, this Super Blue Blood Moon eclipse can also be observed in North America, the Pacific Ocean, and East Siberia. While those in South America and Africa can not participate observe this rare phenomenon.

If the weather is sunny rare and unique phenomenon can be witnessed with the naked eye by the people of Indonesia. In BMKG release, the lunar eclipse schedule in Indonesian territory (east, middle, and west) will vary. Here's the full schedule:

Super Blood Moon Moon Monthly Schedule in Eastern Indonesia Region (WIT)

Partial lunar eclipse: starting at 20:48 WIT.

Starts the total lunar eclipse: at 21:51 WIT.

Total eclipse end: 23:07 WIT

End of partial eclipse: at 00:11 WIT

Super Blood Moon Moon Mouse Schedule in Central Indonesia Region (WITA)

Partial lunar eclipse: starting at 19:48 WITA.

Starts the total lunar eclipse: at 20:51 WITA.

End of total eclipse: at 22:07 WITA.

End of partial eclipse: at 23:11 WITA

Super Blood Moon Moon Mouse Schedule in Western Indonesia Region (WIB)

Partial lunar eclipse: starting at 18:48 pm.

Start the total lunar eclipse: 19:51 WIB.

End of total eclipse: at 21:07 pm

End of partial eclipse: at 22:11 pm
Waiting a show time


Mother nature is amazing...we really don’t appreciate it!! ❤️🌘

Come to ser tonight