Above is thumbnail used for youtube video:
The content was created through my desire to photoshop the local run down car wash.
and put a BIG ASS FUCK MOOTENS logo on the faded car wash sign.
It WAS NOT A PRIORITY, but I wanted to do it, so I put my 100% and did what I wanted to do.
I MOOTENS-fied it through my perspective. I had the goal to make it of good enough quality to show at a business pitch.
That's why I made the before and after pictures.
That was the front view...
You know I had to do it.
So lets see the before and after for this.
How many changes can you spot? Guess correctly and EARN a MOOTENS sticker pack!
Be on the lookout for the MOOTENS app in the near future and sign up to earn cryptocurrency including exclusive MOOTOKENS .
I made that thumbnail first, and the TOP thumbnail that was used was the 6th iteration / save in photoshop.
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